When we fight, we win.

Launched on 22nd July, 2024. The only active cryptocurrency that is rank 1 in cmc for kamala and available in eth, sol, bnb and base.



ETH 0x2b640A99991dea2916205ECdc9F9c58F80017ed8

SOL 8JZuDCc61SEgL6V87hefA8TBGQcW2hhPZh1LZRwgqUvg

BNB 0x0ce8ca6fdac43bed7f755b64a547cfad5aa6a427

BASE 0x21ebee5e161420febe4658ee7d0085076b4198aa


(0%) Tax on Buys, Sells, & Transfers

1,000,000,000 Supply


Per Token (USD)


Total Reserve (USD)

Tax-free. A slippage of 0.2% to 0.5% is acceptable.
KAMALA is available in the following chain: Ethereum, BNB & Solana.

Wormhole protocols use smart contracts to bridge two blockchains together and create a new token for each blockchain. This new token is called a “wrapped” token.

Wormhole is a cross-chain blockchain protocol that facilitates the seamless transfer of crypto assets and data across blockchain ecosystems. The protocol uses a proof-of-transfer mechanism to ensure the security and reliability of cross-chain transfers.

KAMALA in any chain can be converted to another chain using Crypto Bridge or any other DEX Aggregator.

More liquidity means more trading volume and a more efficient market. Wormhole helps drive this liquidity by connecting different blockchain networks, creating a more interconnected digital asset space. This can lead to more users joining the ecosystem, leading to user growth.
Locked at UNCX (Link), Contract Ownership Renounced (Link).
Pass all Audit Scan:
QuickIntel / GoPlus / TokenSniffer / HoneyPot.Is / Hapi
KAMALA is a meme token designed purely for amusement. However, we are actively developing a DEX Aggregator and AI Tools to enhance the value of this token.​
You may reach us at [email protected] or through our Telegram channel.
MetaMask is a crypto wallet app used for storing and managing Ethereum tokens. After creating a wallet be sure to write down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe.
From inside the MetaMask app you can purchase Ethereum using PayPal by clicking on the buy button.
Connect your wallet to Uniswap, input our contract address 0x2b640A99991dea2916205ECdc9F9c58F80017ed8, set your slippage to 0.2%, and click the swap button!
Phantom is a crypto wallet app used for storing and managing Solana tokens. After creating a wallet be sure to write down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe.
From inside the Phantom app you can purchase Solana using Moonpay or other providers.
Go to Jupiter Swap and connect with Phantom app, input our contract address
8JZuDCc61SEgL6V87hefA8TBGQcW2hhPZh1LZRwgqUvg, tap on review order then swap!
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